Continuous Exposure Management for your SAP and Enterprise

SAP is the most business-critical element of your organization. XM Cyber lets Security and IT teams uncover, prioritize and remediate exposures in SAP to fix what matter most. In addition to covering enterprise-wide security exposures, XM Cyber includes SAP specific attack techniques that could be used to compromise your most critical business systems.

XM Cyber for Business-Critical
SAP Deployment

Real-time Threat Identification

Leverage advanced analytics to identify and prioritize exposures targeting SAP deployments in real-time, to reduce the likelihood of breach.

Attack Graph Analysis™

By mapping attack paths and identifying SAP exposures, you’ll gain full visibility into attack vectors. Then proactively address exposures to prevent breaches.

Continuous Monitoring & Optimization

Continuous monitoring allows you to dynamically adapt security posture and stay resilient against evolving cyber threats targeting SAP deployments.

Continuous Exposure Management for SAP and Your Enterprise


Continuous Exposure Management

XM Cyber gives you the context you need to make faster, more confident decisions about which exposures to fix and which to safely ignore. Now you can stop wasting time on exposures that don’t open attack paths to critical assets – the dead ends. Instead, use the power of attack graphs to automatically pinpoint the exact spots – the choke points – where you can disrupt the attacker’s path.

Gain Remediation Efficiency

Focus on fixing choke points that eliminate many attack paths, not irrelevant dead ends, with guided remediation for fast fixes.

More Attacks

Proactively close the exposures that have been validated to enable attackers to reach critical assets.

True Risk

Definitively answer key questions like “Where are we most at risk?” & “How has security posture improved over time?”

Customer Voice

“We are having more meaningful conversations with IT operations because we are able to lay out what vulnerabilities that we should be addressing, and we get their buy-in. We may show them that we don’t have compensating controls in certain areas, so new priorities are needed.”

Director of information security, governance, and risk compliance, Insurance industry

“I measure risk reduction by how long I can sleep. I sleep better now.”

Head of IT infrastructure, Retail industry

“A huge benefit for me right now is that there’s no competition between IT security and IT operations anymore. IT operations uses XM Cyber proactive now. The people responsible for servers, for example, have set up some of their own scenarios and solve problems better than in the past. People see that their actions make their responsible area more secure. Things are much better now.”

CISO, Manufacturing industry

“Every company in the world has too many vulnerabilities to manage, and you get this alert fatigue, so you don’t even know where to start. In some areas, we have 200,000 patches in the queue. But with XM Cyber, we see the most vulnerable points.”

Head of IT infrastructure, Retail industry

“A pen tester is looking at certain aspects at a point in time that become stale about 30 days later, while XM Cyber is all-encompassing and continues to provide findings year-round.”

Director of information security, governance, and compliance, Insurance industry

“Since scenarios are run constantly, we’re able to go back and ensure that the remediation effort was accomplished successfully. It is not uncommon to catch patches that weren’t done right.”

Head of IT infrastructure, Retail industry

“Microsoft announced a large vulnerability that affected domain controllers and servers, we were able with XM Cyber’s help to identify that vulnerability weeks before Microsoft announced that. We were able to patch our environment and get our environment squared up.”

CISO, Non-Profit Organization

“We were living in an imaginary feeling of security, but the reality of existing attack paths was shocking, and the findings were really impressive! ”

CTO, Large European Bank

“They have been as responsive now … as they were when they were trying to make the sale… We’re used to vendors being right there in the sales cycle and then you’re kind of on your own until you call them. They are very good about proactively reaching out.”

CISO, Insurance North America

“Seeing the attack path before the attackers can really use it makes me speechless.”

CIO, Large European Retailer

“XM Cyber opened our eyes to real security issues we had that existed for years!”

IT Security Specialist, Large European Bank

“XM Cyber is really on the horizon of what the next hot technology is for our customers, for CISOs, and the challenge with ransomware type attacks, and not understanding their actual attack surface. My previous couple roles in security brushed up on this space, but they never really had technology that could address it. And that’s what was so appealing about XM Cyber.”

CEO, XM Cyber Partner

XM Cyber is available on the SAP Store

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