Technology Partner Integrations

Maximizing Your Security Ecosystem Investment

You’ve invested time and money into your security ecosystem, ensure you get the most out of it with integrations. XM Cyber connects with your existing solutions to maximize your return on security spend. You’ll get attack path insights and the prioritized remediation you need to efficiently reduce risk.


The XM Cyber Continuous Exposure Management platform delivers the attacker’s view of targeting business critical assets 24x7x365. Whether located on-prem or in the cloud, XM will discover new exposures including exploitable vulnerabilities, credentials, or misconfigurations and show the attack paths they create. Connecting via a standards-based API, XM will provide your team with the additional insights you need.


Cloud infrastructure

Run attack path modeling across your AWS, GCP, and Azure cloud environments to keep them protected. Reduce risk with continuous assessment, strengthen posture, and harden security.

• Run 24/7 continuous hybrid cloud attack simulation to spot security issues as they happen

• Identify security gaps in AWS, Azure and GCP resulting from poor IT hygiene

• Protect critical assets stored in AWS, Azure or GCP by identifying all possible risks in the cyber attack chain

• Add adversarial context to incident and alert data to prioritize responses and optimize resources

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Vulnerability management

Prioritize exposures not just by severity score, but by the risk they present to your specific environment. Our platform provides context-sensitive least-effort remediation advice — which means vulnerability management teams will no longer waste precious time fixing the vulnerabilities that do not truly matter.

• See how unpatched vulnerabilities are used by attackers to propagate your network

• Know which vulnerabilities are more important to fix over others

• Maximize the effectiveness of your vulnerability assessment tools and improve return on security investment

• Proactively and cost-effectively secure your critical assets

• Lower risk while optimizing your team’s time and effort

Solution Brief


Orchestrate remediation processes based on real-time attack path modeling. Our Exposure Management platform integration with your SOAR or SIEM systems, will provide your analysts with one-click access to real-time attack modeling with a complete graph based view of all possible attack paths to your critical assets. In addition, your analysts will receive instant contextual information and step-by-step remediation guidance for high-priority security issues in assets involved in all attack paths associated with any incident.

• Gain a view of all possible attack paths

• Prioritize remediation efforts

• Continuously evaluate your security posture

• Improve decision-making to reduce risk

• Optimize your team's time and resources

Solution Brief

Accelerate Risk Reduction

Exposure Management - Gain contextualization and actionable insights within your existing workflows by incorporating XM Cyber’s Attack Graph Analysis™ into existing ServiceNow Security Operations workflows.

Ticketing - Automatically create tickets for prioritized security issues from XM Cyber to your IT teams based on remediations recommended by XM Cyber’s Continuous Exposure Management platform.

• Reduce time to remediate and potential for a breach

• Know what incident to fix first to improve security posture

• Optimize your team’s time and resources

• Maximize the effectiveness of your ticketing system and improve ROSI

Use Cases

Endpoint security

Accurately prioritize incidents based on real-time attack paths. By integrating our Exposure Management Platform with your EPP/EDR will highlight on real attack paths of incidents, the high risk exposure points the attacker will leverage to reach your critical assets. In addition you will get step-by-step remediation guidance to prevent the attacker from succeeding.

• Know which endpoints are critical junctions for successful attacks

• Identify the cyber exposures that exist across your endpoints to tune the endpoint hardening

• Improve visibility and reduce risk

• Continuously identify new exposures

• Rapidly respond to prioritized exposures

• Complete your incident response strategy

More Resources

XM Cyber for SAP Exposure Management

XM Cyber’s platform is available for purchase in the SAP® Store, the online marketplace for solutions from SAP and its trusted partners.
In addition to protecting your on-prem and cloud environment, XM Cyber includes SAP-specific attack techniques as part of the Continuous Exposure Management platform.
SAP Partners also benefit from XM Cyber’s continuous control monitoring capabilities which ensure existing security controls are well configured and help enterprises automate compliance against standards such as ISO, NIST, SWIFT and GDPR.
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‘Total Economic Impact’ Study Concludes That XM Cyber Delivered 394% Return On Investment

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