eBooks & Whitepapers

Frost & Sullivan names XM Cyber the Leader in the Expanding Automated Security Validation (ASV) Market.

In this report, Frost & Sullivan researched the market to assess the strategic impact to organizations that deploy ASV solutions. In addition, the top…

How Attackers (Really) Advance: Unveiling 11 Real-Life Stories

Attackers are constantly on the hunt for the quickest and easiest paths to your critical assets, using a combination of exposures such as CVEs,…

A CISO’s Guide to Reporting Risk to The Board

If the thought of reporting to your Board makes you more than a bit nervous, don’t worry you’re in good company. But what if…

Research Report: 2024 State of Exposure Management

To help you focus on what matters most, XM Cyber’s third annual research report, Navigating the Paths of Risk: The State of Exposure Management…

Whitepaper: Demystifying DORA with XM Cyber

Financial institutions are subject to constant and persistent cyber threats, against their digital attack surface, and continually strive to deliver the most resilience and…

Buyer’s Guide to Meeting and Maintaining CTEM

The movement from fractured Vulnerability Management processes to integrated Exposure Management efforts has helped organizations take greater control of the issues that put them…

Gartner® Report – 2024 Strategic Roadmap for Managing Threat Exposure

The exposures that organizations face are constantly evolving, requiring the adoption of an equally adaptive approach to addressing these challenges. Traditional vulnerability management efforts…

Survey: 2024 State of Security Posture Report

In 2023, 82% of orgs experienced an increase in the gap between exposures and their ability to address them.

XM Cyber on Operationalizing The Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Framework by Gartner®

If you spend your working time in the vulnerability and exposure management space, chances are you’ve heard about the Continuous Threat Exposure Management framework…

The Power of Attack Graphs in Cloud

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, organizations use various tools and systems to identify and address security vulnerabilities. But despite these efforts, a definite…

From Vulnerability Management to Exposure Management

Vulnerability management has long been a security program cornerstone, with the goal of trying to address vulnerabilities as they are disclosed. Every organization wants…

Research Report: 2023 State of Exposure Management

Don’t miss out on exclusive research that explores the challenges organizations face in managing security exposures and provides insights on how to overcome them….

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Find and fix the exposures that put your critical assets at risk with ultra-efficient remediation.

See what attackers see, so you can stop them from doing what attackers do.