
Webinar: Introducing Automated Purple Teaming
June 07, 2020

Join XM Cyber for the virtual event Introducing Automated Purple Teaming, where we will be exploring a new approach to security that is helping…

Understanding MITRE’s 2020 ATT&CK Evaluation
June 01, 2020

If you want to protect a cybersecurity asset, you need to understand how someone is likely to attack it. One person or organization, however,…

Key Tips for Extracting Maximum Value From Your Vulnerability Management Solution
May 25, 2020

If it seems like the task of vulnerability risk management is growing more difficult by the day, there’s a good reason for that impression….

Do Not Ignore Cybersecurity in Times of Crisis
May 20, 2020

Quickly moving to a remote workforce can easily cause gaps in your security. Criminals are seizing the moment and flooding the internet with fake…

How Pizza Can Be the Recipe to Understand Cloud Security
May 10, 2020

It’s not always easy to wrap your mind around the various layers of cloud security and how they differ from conventional on-premises computing. Fortunately,…

New Ways to Use XM Cyber for Remote Home Workers, Red Teamers and Pen Testers
May 04, 2020

One of the best things about releasing a new product into the wild is discovering all the new, creative and unanticipated ways in which…

How to Perform an IT Security Risk Assessment
April 27, 2020

Today’s organizations are getting serious about cyber-crime prevention. Rather than keeping security concerns largely compartmentalized, cyber-attack prevention is now seen as a core strategic…

Top 5 Hybrid Cloud Security Breaches in 5 Years
April 13, 2020

Julius Caesar famously said, “Experience is the best teacher.” Yet no organization wants to learn by experience when it comes to cloud security breaches….

Don’t Let Hackers Fool Your Organization’s Cybersecurity on April Fool’s Day
April 01, 2020

Almost all of us have been the victim of a friendly April Fool’s joke. You know the setup: We’re led to believe an outrageous…

Why Cybersecurity Needs to Become the Top Priority for SME’s
March 23, 2020

When we think about data breaches, our minds tend to drift to the spectacular incidents that make national or international news. Yet while they…

Coronavirus and Cyber Attacks Share a Common Weakness: Good Hygiene
March 15, 2020

The coronavirus – also known as COVID-19 – has been inescapable lately. What you may not know, however, is that global human health pandemics…

How to Protect Against Cybersecurity Data Breaches in Your Corporate Environment
March 08, 2020

We’ve all heard it stated ad nauseam: Cyber data breaches are continually growing and pose an urgent threat to global business. Yet is that message truly…

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Find and fix the exposures that put your critical assets at risk with ultra-efficient remediation.

See what attackers see, so you can stop them from doing what attackers do.